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Joe Frowen

BA Honours Ceramics  'My inspiration for the design and surface treatments on my work comes from my love of sci-fi films and subjects to do with the future. Growing up I was introduced to many sci-fi films such as Blade Runner, 1984, and 2001 a space odyssey. My favourite sci-fi films involve alternate realities and future utopias and dystopias, theses subject are especially emotive in our society today with topics such as robotics, artificial intelligence. population and the vast possibilities of the earth's future. In my work, I try to represent some of these notions by depicting future cityscapes'. ​ 'Daw fy ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer dylunio a thrin arwynebau fy ngwaith o fy hoffter o ffilmiau a phynciau ffugwyddonol sy'n ymwneud a’r dyfodol. Wrth dyfu fyny, cefais fy nghyflwyno i lawer o ffilmiau ffugwyddonol megis Blade Runner, 1984, a 2001: a space odyssey. Mae fy hoff ffilmiau ffugwyddonol yn cynnwys gwirioneddau amgen ac wtopiau a dystopiau yn y dyfodol, ac mae'r pynciau hyn yn arbennig o emosiynol yn ein cymdeithas heddiw gyda thestunau megis roboteg, deallusrwydd artiffisial, poblogaeth a phosibiliadau helaeth dyfodol y ddaear. Yn fy ngwaith, rwy'n ceisio cynrychioli rhai o'r syniadau hyn trwy ddarlunio dinasluniau’r dyfodol'. ​

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