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Susan Sharp

Susan Sharp was born in London during the war but has spent most of her life in West Wales where she currently lives surrounded by sea scape and soft hills. Sue could never remember a time when she didn't draw or paint. But having been disappointed by art class at school, she attended part time local authority education classes. Through observation and demonstrations as well as shared experiences with other artists, Sue's skills grew. ​ Today Sue belongs to several art groups - Fishguard Art Society, Newport Art Group and the Pembrokeshire Association of Artists - where she has exhibited and sold several pieces. Sue's inspiration is rooted in the mood and magnificence of the Pembrokeshire landscape - from coastal light to subdued hills. She also responds to the colour and forms of the flowers in her garden and delights in seasonal changes. During the pandemic, Sue has relished the small fields that surround her home, the movement in weather and the seasonal changes. Portraiture and life studies are also a topic she enjoys. Sue uses many mediums, including oils, watercolour for convenience and acrylics, but she particularly enjoys the scope that mixed media - including acrylics, paste and pastel brings to her work. ​ ' I love to see the paint in my pictures, generally the thicker it is or the greater the number of layers the happier i am. In Paintings i admire seeing the brush strokes, the marks and stabs and scaffito. I remember the visceral excitement i felt when i first saw one of Van Goghs Sunflowers where he uses the paint and stroke so thickly it appears three dimensional. ​ I find any subject that encourages me to experiment with paint and surface is a good choice for me. I appear i can express more with marks, rubbing, over painting and plenty of texture. If there is a mood or a colour or form that captures me then i'm happy. I like to use a broad brush or a knife and i enjoy using colours that are not realistic to the subject but those that are suggested to me. ​ I try to work towards abstraction and i have been influenced by artists Barbara Rae and Georgia O'Keefe and by local artists Maggie Born and Tim Fudge.' ​

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